
Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama

Steps of Bhramari Pranayama
    • Sit with back straight or in padmasana.
    • Now take deep breath.
    • Now close your ears with thumbs.
    • Now put your index finger above your eye brows and remaining on your eyes gently without pressure.
    • Now give very gentle pressure to the sides of your nose.··
    • Now with your mouth closed; breathe out slowly via. your nose with producing a humming sound of Ommm.
    • Now while creating om sound it will be shorter oo.. and long mmmm..will be oommmm.
    • Repeat the cycle for 5 times.
      Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama
      • Best practice to achieve concentration of mind.
      • Gives happiness to mind and brain.
      • Gives relive from hypertension.
      • Helpful in lowering stress.
      • Beneficial for people of High blood pressure and heart problems.
      • Helpful in Paralysis and migraines.

      Bhramri Pranayam - Detailed Explanation by Swami Ramdev