
Pranav Pranayama

Pranav Pranayama

Steps for Pranav Pranayama
  • Sit in the padmasana.
  • Close your eyes, your spine and head should be straight.
  • Finger should be in ‘Gyan mudra’.
  • Give full focus on your breath while inhaling and exhaling
  • Repeat the process for 2-3 minutes.
  • Now open your eyes gently.
  • You can do this pranayama for 5-10 min.
    Benefits of Pranav Pranayama
    • Beneficial in High blood pressure and heart problems.
    • By doing this mind becomes calmer.
    • Beneficial in migraines.
    • It also relieves tension, anger and anxiety.
    • It is the Excellent breathing exercises for meditation.
    • Effective against hypertension.
    • It cures problems related to sleep (Insomnia) and bad dreams.
    • Control the high blood pressure and cure it.
    • All ages people can do this.
    • It relaxes the mind and lowers stress level.
    • Practice all pranayama in fresh air generally in morning if possible.

    Pranav Pranayam - Detailed Explanation by Swami Ramdev